During the past couple of weeks, I have worked on one of the hardest computer programs I have ever tried. Dreamweaver was both challenging and hard, but also very fulfilling. It brought me great joy to finish all the assignments, and to know that I tried my best over the last weeks. I will never say I am a great coder, but to know that I learned something new, and handed in all the assignments and tried my best, makes me smile. Coding is not easy, but I knew with hard work, and hours spent, assignments would be done.
For my final project I wanted to create something that held great meaning to me. The evil eye symbolizes protection and luck. It has also been found through thousands of years of history across many cultures. Growing up in Oslo, Norway in a very free and accepted culture you learn to accept other people, different cultures, and different religions. The Norwegian church is Lutheran, but we also have other Christian denominations, such as Catholicism. Due to a big number of immigrants to Norway Islam has also become a dominant religion. Therefore, growing up I was always interested in other religions and symbolize. In my house we had many evil eyes, and as a young girl I was always captured by its beauty, elegance and meaning. I always loved the meaning behind it, and today I have many different evil eyes, or “Nazar”, as it is called, all over my house, and other places that hold great meaning to me. I always wear it as a necklace, as well as I have it on my tennis bag, and in my purse. As each Nazar has different colors, they hold different meanings.
For my final project I wanted to create the blue one, and perhaps the most common color. A blue eye is the color of good luck or good karma. This color projects positive energies such as creativity, motivation, commitment as well as protection against evil eyes. As I had some struggles with coding, I wanted to bring it to life, and give my project some good luck as well as motivation.
In the final creative stage, I decided to use circles as my base, and put it all together with different shapes and geometric figures.
My codes:
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